ATMA is a registered society of key stakeholders involved in agricultural activities for sustainable development in the district by integrating research-extension activities and decentralizing day to day management of Public Agricultural Technology System.
The objectives of the scheme shall be met through strengthened institutional arrangements and dedicated manpower at State, District, Block & Village level through the institutional mechanism as detailed below.
ATMA is an autonomous institution set up at district level to ensure delivery of extension services to farmers. ATMA Governing Board is the apex body of ATMA which provides overall policy direction. ATMA GB will be assisted by the District ATMA Cell comprising PD ATMA, Dy. PDs and Staff in the discharge of its functions. ATMA Management Committee is the executive body looking after implementation of the scheme. District Farmers Advisory Committee is a body to provide farmer's feedback for district level planning and implementation. With dedicated staff provided for the ATMA, it will continue to be the district level nodal agency responsible for overall management of agriculture extension system within the district, including preparation of Strategic Research and Extension Plan (SREP).
At the Block level, two bodies viz. Block Technology Team (BTT) (a team comprising officers of agriculture and all line departments within the block) and Block Farmers Advisory Committee (BFAC) (a group exclusively consisting of farmers of the block) shall continue to function jointly (with the latter providing farmers' feedback and input). BFACs shall represent Farmer Interest Groups (FIGs) / FOs existing within the block on rotation basis to advise the arr. The Block ATMA Cell consisting of these two bodies, Block Technology Manager and Subject Matter Specialists will provide extension support within the Block, through preparation and execution of Block Action Plans (BAPs).