ATMA is a registered society of key stakeholders involved in agricultural activities for sustainable development in the district by integrating research-extension activities and decentralizing day to day management of Public Agricultural Technology System.
Extension Reforms in India were pilot tested in 28 Districts of 7 States under Innovations in Technology Dissemination (ITD) component of World Bank funded National Agricultural Technology Project (NATP) during the period from November, 1998 to April, 2005. This successful experiment served as a basis to launch the Scheme "Support to State Extension Programmes for Extension Reforms" in its first phase since 2005-06. The National Development Council (NDC) in the year 2007 highlighted the need for revamping 86 strengthening the extension system to provide for improving the skill levels of the farming community and harnessing the potential of ICT in villages. The National Policy for Farmers, 2007 (NPF) envisaged support to State Governments for strengthening the extension machinery through re-training and retooling of existing extension personnel.
The institutional mechanism for extension under the Scheme has hitherto been as follows:
On the basis of experience gained during the implementation of the Extension Reforms scheme from 2005 to 2009, the Government of India has revised the ongoing Centrally Sponsored Scheme "Support to State Extension Programmes for Extension Reforms" by modifying and strengthening the earlier Scheme.
The "Revised ATMA Scheme" has now been modified and strengthened with a strong manpower, infrastructure and activity as summarized below:
Process Flow for Action Plans: SREP is a comprehensive document identifying research/ extension priorities for district, keeping in mind agro-ecological conditions and existing gaps in technology generation and dissemination in all agriculture and allied sector areas/ activities. SREPs will be prepared for new districts in coordination with the line Deptt. KVK, PRTs, Private Sector, Farmers and other stake holders at Distt. Level